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Top 10+ Rose Bud Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Rose Bud Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

While traditional (black, green or white) teas taste good, sometimes you want something different. So if you are looking for a replacement or a new tea in your inventory, consider rose bud tea.

Why? Scroll below, as today we are going to talk about the amazing health effects of rose bud tea.

Top 10+ Wolfberry (Goji) Berry Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10 Wolfberry (Goji) Berry Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Wolfberries, also known as Goji berries, are edible, sweet tasting red berries which are very popular in China and have been used for hundreds of years. This plant has been grown in the Himalayas by the Chinese, Mongolians, and Tibetans and was used as a natural herbal medicine. Now they are grown in many countries like Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Tibet, India, England, and the USA.

Goji berries are also used to make a delicious tea which has many health benefits. The berries contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin among many others. They also contain important minerals like copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Wolfberries are so rich in antioxidants and contain more beta carotene than carrots and they are also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.

1. Goji Boosts the Immune System

Goji Boosts the Immune System

Wolfberry tea is a great immune booster because it contains fructose, which is good sugar. White sugar is bad for us but good sugar like fructose helps the function of our immune system and as a result of that, keeps our bodies strong and healthy, and fights off disease. Fructose found in goji berry tea also boosts our energy and helps us be more productive and perform better athletically.

2. Wolfberry Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Wolfberry Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

One of the main causes of heart disease are smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high levels of sugar in the blood, and blood vessel inflammation. Wolfberry tea has the ability to lower cholesterol up to 70% and also reduces triglycerides. It protects against LDL, bad cholesterol, and prevents it from oxidizing. Drinking wolfberry tea can also lower blood sugar levels and because it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce inflammation. All of that significantly lowers the risk of heart disease, making wolfberry tea an amazing natural medicine.

3. Goji Tea Increases Testosterone

Goji Tea Increases Testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone which has an important role in the male reproductive system. Wolfberry tea increases the levels of testosterone in a man’s body and thus increases the sperm count. It can also be very simulative for sexual desire and improves sexual performance. In China, goji berries are a known aphrodisiac and have been used for hundreds of years.

4. It Also Improves Vision

Wolfberry Tea Also Improves Vision

In China, wolfberries are a known natural way to improve one’s vision. They are also a part of modern eyesight medicine for that reason. According to some studies, wolfberries have the potential to reduce retinal damage caused by type-2 diabetes.

4. Wolfberries Protect Against Cancer

Wolfberries Protect Against Cancer

An amazing health benefit of wolfberry tea is that it can protect you against cancer in a couple of ways. First of all, wolfberry tea is an anti-oxidant which means it can prevent the oxidation of cells and reduce the risk of cancer. It also fights free radicals and prevents DNA damage that can be caused by them. And as it has already been said, wolfberry tea boosts the immune system which can also help to keep cancer away.

5. Wolfberry Tea Restores Glutathione

Wolfberry Tea Restores Glutathione

Glutathione is produced naturally by our liver and it is very important for our health. It is used for treating and preventing alcoholism, liver disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, among many others, and it also boosts the immune system. Wolfberry tea can restore glutathione and keep the liver healthy.

6. Goji Tea Detoxifies Your Body

Goji Tea Detoxifies Your Body

Goji berry tea is great for detoxification and it is recommended to drink it in order to get rid of all the dangerous toxins from your body. The liver plays the key role in detoxing and goji berry tea can greatly help that process. Doing this kind of liver cleanse can be very beneficial for your health and the health of the liver.

7. Is High in Amino Acids

Goji Is High in Amino Acids

Wolfberry tea is high in amino acids, also called the building blocks of protein and they serve an important role in our bodies. They can help with the weight loss process, retention of muscles, and can improve athletic performance. Amino acids also help with some physiological aspects like improving mood, increasing concentration, and promoting better sleep.

8. Wolfberries Will Improve Your Mood

Wolfberries Will Improve Your Mood

Wolfberry tea is known to significantly improve one’s mood and increase the sense of wellbeing. Stress and anxiety are very detrimental for our mind and body, and can lead to depression and other dangerous conditions which prevent us from leading a normal, happy life. Drinking wolfberry tea gets rid of stress and anxiety and can also help with fatigue, giving you a needed energy boost.

9. Wolfberry Tea Promotes Skin Health

Wolfberry Tea Promotes Skin Health

Goji berry tea contains high levels of beta carotene which has amazing benefits for the skin. Beta carotene slows down the skin aging process and reduces skin damage from UV light. It also reduces sensitivity to the sun which is perfect for people who have sensitive skin and are prone to sunburns. Beta carotene creates a natural glow and thus makes your skin look more beautiful and younger.

10. Also Helps With Weight Loss

Wolfberry Tea Helps With Weight Loss

Wolfberry tea is very high in dietary fibers that can make you feel full for a longer time after you’ve had a meal. As the result of that, you will eat less and lose weight quicker. Drinking wolfberry tea also aids in quicker digestion which also promotes weight loss and helps with any kind of indigestion problems.

Buy Goji Tea Right Now

We are only one of the very few suppliers to offer such varieties of herbal and berry teas, please visit our goji berry tea page and order yours today!

Safe to Drink Herbal Teas and Ingredients While Breastfeeding (2023)

Safe to Drink Herbal Teas and Ingredients While Breastfeeding (2023)

All breastfeeding women know that they should try to stay away from things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and some medications, but they don’t often think about herbal supplements or herbal teas and how they can affect them. Many women don’t know that herbs have a big affect on our bodies just like medications.

Top 10+ Roselle Juice (Hibiscus Flower Tea) Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Roselle Juice (Hibiscus Flower Tea) Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Now here’s a little known fact for you: cold-served hibiscus tea is actually called Roselle juice. Serve it hot and it suddenly becomes hibiscus or Jamaican tea.

In addition to that, it is also used to make wine and even deserts.

So what’s so special about this ruby-like plant? Here are the top 10 health effects that Roselle (also known as Hibiscus flower) offers:

Top 10+ Hawthorn Berry Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Hawthorn Berry Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10 Hawthorn Tea Health Benefits / Effects

Hawthorn tea contains a variety of vitamins, hawthorn acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, malic acid, it also contains flavonoids, lipids, sugars, protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Hawthorn also has a high nutritional value and medical value, people who drink hawthorn tea can notice an enhanced appetite, improvement in sleep, it prevents atherosclerosis, and hawthorn is generally considered to be “longevity food.” So these are many reasons why you should drink Hawthorn tea regularly. It’s a very powerful herb and it can help with your specific health issues as well as boost your immunity and improve your overall health.

1. Hawthorn Berry Has Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidant Properties

Animal and laboratory studies have found that hawthorn actually contains active compounds with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants themselves are substances that get rid of free radicals which are damaging compounds in the body that alter cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals are going to occur naturally in your body but environmental toxins and things like ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, air pollution, those can also increase their number. So free radicals are actually believed to contribute to the aging process as well as to the development of a number of health problems. Antioxidants that are found in hawthorn can actually neutralize free radicals and could actually reduce and even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

2. Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Hawthorn berry is widely regarded as a safe and effective treatment for the early stages of heart disease. It is endorsed by the Commission E and Commission E is a branch of the German government that actually studies and approves herbal treatments. So that definitely says something about the benefits of hawthorn tea for heart disease. Hawthorn has primarily been studied on people with congestive heart failure and that is a health condition in which the heart is actually unable to pump adequate amounts of blood into other organs in the body. Four studies concluded that hawthorn significantly improved heart function and three of those found that the herb improved patient’s ability to exercise. Hawthorn improves symptoms of the disease like shortness of breath and fatigue.

3. Hawthorn Berry Helps Chest Pain

It Relieves Chest Pain

Hawthorn berry tea has been known to combat chest pain also known as angina and that’s a health problem that’s caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart. In one study, 16 angina patients were given hawthorn berry and experienced an improved blood flow to the heart and they were also able to exercise for longer periods of time without suffering from any chest pain whatsoever.

4. Hawthorn Tea Fights High Cholesterol

Fights High Cholesterol

Studies suggest that hawthorn berry may be a powerful agent for the removal of LDL which means low density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol, from your bloodstream. Hawthorn berry reduces the production of cholesterol from the liver. So drinking hawthorn tea might be a good idea if you have high cholesterol and problems related to it.

5. Regulates Blood Pressure

Regulates Blood Pressure

High or low blood pressure can be very dangerous and many people suffer from it. Regulating blood pressure is extremely important and hawthorn is a natural remedy that can help you with that. Although hawthorn has not been studied specifically in people with high blood pressure, considerable evidence supports the cardiovascular benefits of the herb. Studies also suggest that hawthorn can be taken safely by people with hypertension who are also taking blood pressure medications.

6. Helps With Skin Problems

Clears Acne and Moisturises Skin

Hawthorn can also help with various skin problems like boils, sores, ulcers, itching, and frostbites. In addition to that, berry tea can be applied directly to the skin or you can soak the skin in hawthorn tea, using it as a wash. That’s not all thought as hawthorn has anti-inflammatory properties so it can also treat rashes from eczema and psoriasis.

7. Hawthorn Tea Fights Intestinal Infections

Helps Digestion

Hawthorn tea is very healthy for your intestines. Many of us have digestion issues and drinking hawthorn tea can help reduce that. Fibers found in hawthorn improve our digestion and thus improve our overall health. Hawthorn also aids in constipation which can very unpleasant and reduces bloating and cramping. Hawthorn tea can also aid with intestinal infections and parasites like tapeworm, eliminating them completely.

8. Its Tea Gives More Energy

Improves Your Energy Levels

Hawthorn tea can boost your energy because it expands blood vessels and that way more blood is circulating through the body. You will feel more alert, energized, your cognitive skills will be better and your metabolism will function properly. Hawthorn contains chemicals which help produce serotonin and high serotonin levels significantly improve your mood.

9. Fights Aging

Protects You from Aging

Drinking hawthorn tea can also slow down ageing because it’s rich in antioxidants. It also makes the skin more elastic which prevents the creation of wrinkles and old looking skin. Since it also helps with many different skin problems, you can have a youthful looking face that makes you look much younger.

10. Helps With Erectile Dysfunction

Helps With Erectile Dysfunction

Hawthorn tea can be very beneficial for men’s health as well. It can help with erectile dysfunction and also increases sperm count. That’s why hawthorn tea can be very useful for couples that have trouble conceiving.

Where to Order?

To get cheap hawthorn berry tea with super fast shipping, please visit our hawthorn berry tea page.

Top 10+ Positive Eucommia Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Positive Eucommia Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Eucommia is an amazing plant that is native to China. It is also known as Du Zhong and Chinese rubber tree because its bark has latex-like qualities. In Asia, eucommia tea is famous as a natural remedy that has many amazing health benefits. It has been first mentioned as a herbal medicine over 2500 years ago and it is believed to be very powerful. The Chinese believe that it not only improves our physical health, but our mental health as well, improving our mood, fighting depression, and getting rid of stress and anxiety. It is definitely something worth trying.

Eucommia tea has so many health benefits; it tonifies our muscular and skeletal system, improves physical performance, eases back pain, acts as an antioxidant and anti-cancerous compound, it is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, and many more.

1. Eucommia Tea Promotes Liver Health

Eucommia Tea Promotes Liver Health

Eucommia tea is probably most famous for promoting the health of the liver. The liver has over 500 different physiological functions and does many things. It produces natural germ killers, produces digestive enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, it also produces glucose and it is said to influence even our emotional strength. In Chinese medicine, the liver is known as the seed of passion because it produces a lot of hormones that give us our drive for life. It produces a lot of testosterone which gives us motivation and determination. So it is safe to say that the liver is one of the most important organs in our body and drinking eucommia tea regularly will keep it healthy and thus influence our overall health.

2. It Helps to Overcome Stress

Eucommia Helps to Overcome Stress

This tea is very good for the proper function of our kidneys and it tonifies them. The kidneys are connected to adrenal glands which produce stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol which give us our drive to overcome stressful situations. So drinking this tea not only helps us to keep our kidneys healthy, it can also influence how we deal with stressful situations.

3. Eucommia Tea Improves Athletic Performance

Eucommia Tea Improves Athletic Performance

The tea that is most popular among athletes is definitely eucommia. Drinking this tea can significantly improve our athletic performance by promoting the production of adrenalin and gives us an energy boost. And not just that, eucommia can actually help improve not only our drive and physical performance, but it also has the ability to help us recover. There is scientific evidence that shows that eucommia can speed up the recovery of broken bones and other degeneration from working out, so it helps our muscle tissue recover after we’ve finished our workout. So this is a great tea to drink if you’re an athlete or someone who is physically active in any way.

4. Eucommia Treats Back Pain

Eucommia Treats Back Pain

Another amazing health benefit of eucommia tea is that it can treat back pain. It is particularly good for lower back pain. Many people today experience different types of back aches regularly, even young people. This is because of our sedentary way of life; we often don’t get enough exercise and we spend hours and hours sitting in front of our computers. That obviously has many consequences for our health and one of the most common ones is definitely back pain. Stressful situations also contribute to that and our bodies feel stiff and tense. Eucommia is a great herb for strengthening our back muscles and also for relieving some of the stress and being more relaxed. It actually has the ability to produce collagen in the body which is a very important protein for connective tissue in the back and can restore the strength of the muscular and skeletal system.

5. It Also Lowers Blood Pressure

Eucommia Lowers Blood Pressure

Scientific studies show that eucommia can help lower blood pressure with patients with hypertension. So if you’re somebody who’s stressed out and you have high blood pressure, drinking this tea is something that can help bring down elevated blood pressure levels back to a normal range. The way that it does this is through a mild diuretic action. Typically, any sort of diuretic herb is good for people with elevated blood pressure.

6. Eucommia Tea Improves Sexual Health

Eucommia Tea Improves Sexual Health

Eucommia is famous in China for improving one’s sexual energy. It does so by promoting the health of two of the most important organs associated with our sexual energy, our liver and our kidneys. The liver is not just an organ, it’s a gland that produces hormones and it produces a lot of testosterone and helps to stimulate the prostate and testicles, if you’re a male, to produce more testosterone. So a healthier liver is going to actually mean a healthier sex drive. You’re going to have improvements in your libido, your fertility levels, and your ability to sustain and maintain an erection. It works for women as well, having a healthy liver will translate to more sexual energy and fertility by balancing hormones. Eucommia tea also has the ability to produce nitric oxide in the body which is basically going to help stimulate the blood flow to the genitalia which can help with erectile dysfunction.

7. And Strengthens the Immune System

Eucommia Tea Strengthens the Immune System

Eucommia tea helps our liver produce more interferon, natural germ killers and antioxidants so it protects our body from oxidative stress. It also protects our body from pathogens and even cancer cells by producing interferon and immune cells. So that way it prevents disease and promotes longevity.

Order Eucommia Tea Today

For freshly picked and dried eucommia tea that retains all its health benefits, please visit airytea.com and order eucommia tea today.

Top 10+ Positive Cassia Seed Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Positive Cassia Seed Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Cassia seeds, also known as semen cassia, come from the cassia plant which is a famous Chinese herb. Those seeds are dried and used to make a delicious tea that has a sweet and bitter flavor. Cassia seed tea has been popular in Asia as a natural remedy for hundreds of years. This is an amazing plant that has so many uses but it’s still not widely known in the West. It has many health benefits and can help with digestion, eye health, hypertension, weight loss, dizziness, circulation, and mood.

1. Cassia Seed Tea Improves Digestion

Cassia Seed Tea Improves Digestion

For all problems including indigestion, bloating, flatulence, constipation and stomach pain, cassia seed is a perfect natural remedy. If you drink it before or after a meal, it can speed up the digestion process. It also has the effect of a mild laxative so it can be of great help with constipation. It also helps with intestinal dryness and has cooling properties. If you suffer from abdominal pain or cramps, drinking this tea will ease the stomach pain and relax your muscles. It is recommended that you drink this tea regularly if you have any problems with indigestion or stomach area to prevent reoccurrence of these symptoms.

2. Cassia Seeds Kill Bacteria and Fungi

Cassia Seeds Kill Bacteria and Fungi

This amazing tea is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and that means it can prevent the growth of microorganism like fungi and bacteria like Bacillus diphtheriae, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus coli.

3. It Promotes Eye Health

Cassia Promotes Eye Health

It has been used for improving vision and treating many eye problems for centuries and was known as a great natural remedy. It can treat glaucoma, dryness of the eyes, redness and pain in the eyes, and blurred vision. Many people today suffer from these conditions because all of us are guilty of staring at our computer and TV screens for the big part of the day and that can strain the eyes, cause dryness, redness, and pain. Cassia seed tea is an amazing natural way to treat all eye problems and it can actually improve your vision.

4. Cassia Seed Tea Helps with Hypertension

Cassia Seed Tea Helps with Hypertension

Many people today suffer from high blood pressure which can lead to many dangerous health problems. Cassia seed tea is a known natural medicine for lowering high blood pressure and keeping it at safe levels. This tea can also lower cholesterol and decrease blood lipids. Do keep in mind that if you have low blood pressure, it may be best not to drink this tea.

5. Cassia Seeds Help with Weight Loss

Cassia Seeds Help with Weight Loss

Cassia seed tea is one of the most effective natural ways to help you lose weight. Because it has the ability to improve digestion and aids with constipation, it is a perfect addition to your weight loss diet. Good and healthy digestion is the key to losing weight along with exercise and a healthy diet. Cassia seed tea may also reduce your appetite and make you feel fuller after a meal.

6. Also Helps with Dizziness

Cassia Helps with Dizziness

If you’re feeling a bit lightheaded or dizzy, cassia seed tea has the ability to calm that down and prevent it from reoccurring. Dizziness can be a symptom of different disorders like vertigo or motion sickness. In some cases, although it is very rare, feeling dizzy may be a symptom of multiple sclerosis, malignant tumor, or a stroke. Feeling unbalanced is very uncomfortable and dangerous because it causes fainting. Cassia seed tea is known to help with these symptoms and restore balance in your body.

7. Cassia Tea Improves Circulation

Cassia Tea Improves Circulation

Circulation is very important and it has the role of sending blood, oxygen, and other nutrients through our bodies. But because of our sedentary way of life, many of us suffer from poor blood circulation. The symptoms of poor circulation include having cold feet and hands, tingling, numbness, and limb pain. Cassia seed tea is known to improve it and it activates the blood flow through your body.

8. Cassia Seeds Improves Mood

Cassia Seeds Improves Mood

Cassia seed tea also works as an anti-depressant and that is an amazing health benefit. Many people today suffer from depression, anxiety, constant mood swings, and those negative feelings and thoughts make it hard for people to cope with their lives and can lead to dangerous things. That is why positive emotions and feelings are so important in our lives and they impact our overall health. Drinking cassia seed tea can uplift your mood, keep it balanced and help you fight depression.

Don’t Delay. Buy Now!

Click here to buy our cassia seed tea, and enjoy the amazing benefits today.

Top 10+ Lotus Leaf Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10 Lotus Leaf Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Lotus, which is also called Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, and Egyptian bean, is an aquatic plant with beautiful flowers. In fact, it is native to south Asia and Australia. Even more, that is the national flower of India and Vietnam!

In many cultures, lotus tea is very sacred. For Hindus and Buddhists for example, it symbolizes beauty, serenity, peacefulness, spirituality, wealth, and knowledge.

All parts of the lotus plant can be used, from leaves and flowers to roots and seeds. Most common uses are for food and natural medicine. Although lotus as an herbal remedy comes in different forms such as oil, tincture or pills, tea is proven to be the most effective way. Lotus leaf tea can be digested very quickly and that speeds up the beneficial effect on our health.

The way that lotus leaf tea is made is by harvesting the leaves in summertime or autumn. This is done when quality is best and then people will dry them thoroughly in the sun. Asians have been making this tea for hundreds of years and lotus is a known medicine there that has many health benefits. These include regulating blood sugar levels, reducing stress, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and it improves digestion and mood.

Lotus Tea Cuts Stress

Lotus Tea Cuts Stress

Every single one of us are leading very stressful lives! As you know, that can have a big impact on our physical and mental health. It is more dangerous than you might think as stress promotes chronic disease, can lead to mental health issues. Even worse, make you gain weight, speed up the ageing process, and weaken your immune system.

That is why it’s very important to do something to reduce stress as much as possible. Drinking lotus tea regularly can help you with that process because it contains pyridoxine. It’s one of the compounds that can improve your mood, calm you down, and make you feel more grounded and connected.

Protects from Cardiovascular Disease

Lotus Protects from Cardiovascular Disease

Because it contains vitamin C, lotus leaf tea can also reduce the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular disease. Sure, the levels might not reach that of a pill, but every bit helps. More about that later.

In addition to that, lotus tea also regulates blood pressure levels which play an important role in the health of our bodies.

Lotus Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Lotus Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Now this is one of the more important functions. Since lotus tea contains potassium, it can help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels. If you experience symptoms like constant thirst, increased urination, sudden weight loss, fatigue or low energy levels, your blood pressure might be high.

Lotus leaf tea makes your blood vessels more relaxed thus improving and increasing blood flow and regulating blood sugar levels. So, not only does it make your body calm, but your vessels as well.

Lotus Tea Improves Blood Circulation

Lotus Tea and Blood Circulation

Lotus leaf tea is a great way to improve blood circulation and increase your energy levels. Have you heard about the importance of minerals? Well, iron and copper, which are contained in this tea, are very important for production of red blood cells.

Poor circulation can be very dangerous to one’s health! These symptoms include cold fingers and toes even when it’s hot outside, numbness, lack of energy, dizziness, cramps, and headaches. One can alleviate these symptoms by consuming this tasty beverage.

It is High in Vitamin C

Lotus Tea is High in Vitamin C

As we’ve said already, vitamin C is one of the most important and beneficial vitamins for our bodies. It strengthens our immune system, reduces blood pressure, fights the cold and flu, and improves our mood.

Did you know that lotus leaf tea contains as much as 75% of daily recommended value of vitamin C? Not that’s a pro that everyone will benefit from.

Lotus Tea Improves Mental Function

Lotus Tea Improves Mental Function

Okay, it has vitamins and other nutrients, but what about other positive effects? Lotus tea can actually be beneficial to your cognitive function as well.

Zinc, a mineral contained in lotus tea, is shown to pair up with vitamin B6 and improve the function of neurotransmitters. In addition to that, it won’t make your heartbeat crazy as if you consumed few cups of espresso.

It Helps Digestion

Lotus Tea Helps Digestion

Lotus contains a lot of fiber and can promote large intestinal peristalsis and help digestion which can remove toxins. Assuming you are okay with eating lotus tea leaves, it’s a no brainer. Also, make sure you are not allergic to it!

Lotus tea leaves contain fiber in quantities that are more than average high-fiber foods. It is a direct solution to constipation and has a mild laxative effect.

Lotus Helps with Losing Weight

Lotus Also Helps with Losing Weight

How many claims and products have you heard of that promise drastic weight loss results? Well, drinking lotus leaf tea can help your body effectively dissolve fat! In addition to that, it can prevent fat accumulation in the body.

It’s all due to the vitamins B1, C and caffeine that promote gastric secretion, help digestion and more. In other words, it helps to lose weight. Therefore, drinking lotus leaf tea is a great healthy alternative for weight loss pills.

Lotus is Beneficial for Pregnant Women

Lotus is Beneficial for Pregnant Women

It’s hard to find a tea or any delicious drink while breastfeeding. In fact, it’s almost impossible! Well, here’s what you can consume during pregnancy: lotus tea! It is very healthy and beneficial for the female reproductive system since it contains zinc.

Basically, this mineral is very important for the growth of cells during pregnancy. Just be sure to consult with your doctor first!

Lowers the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Lowers the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Not a miraculous cure, but why not improve your odd, right? Lotus leaf tea contains minerals which are very important for the prostate gland health and that do prevent damage.

It also contains antioxidants who fight free radicals, which are often responsible for disease and cancer. That’s why drinking lotus tea can significantly lower the risk of prostate cancer and keep you healthy.

Lotus Tea is Great for The Skin

Lotus Tea is Great for The Skin

Having beautiful and healthy skin is very important to maintain a youthful look. Lotus leaf tea does wonders for your skin and it is a truly amazing natural remedy!

In fact, it hydrates your skin which makes it more elastic and thus less prone to wrinkling and sagging. Brown spots on your skin will start to slowly disappear and your skin will start to glow. Lotus tea is also a known natural remedy for eczema and treats other skin problems.

Buying Lotus Leaf Tea

Having read all the benefits, one must wonder where do you order a high-quality tea?

Since most places seem to be selling aged or just bad lotus plant leaves, we suggest visiting the following page to buy lotus leaf tea. Worldwide shipping.

Top 10+ Tangerine Peel Tea Health Benefits & Effects) (2023)

Top 10+ Tangerine Peel Tea Health Benefits (2023)

Tangerines or mandarins belong to the citrus family and are closely related to oranges. They originated in China, but now grow all around the world. Tangerines are not only a great, healthy fruit, but its peel can be dried and made into tea. Tangerine peel tea is a very famous tea that came from Asia and it’s known to be a very healthy beverage. It has a nice earthy and citrusy flavor and can be drunk hot and cold.

It has a nice earthy and citrusy flavor and can be drunk hot and cold. Tangerine peel contains many nutrients like vitamins C, E, A, K, niacin, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, and many others. So it’s no wonder it has so many health benefits and is used as a natural remedy. It can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, relives cold and flu symptoms, helps with morning sickness, PMS, detoxifies your body, and gets rid of stress and anxiety.

1. Mandarin Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels

Mandarin Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels

Many studies indicate that drinking tangerine peel can lower bad cholesterol and as a result lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer. Although your body needs cholesterol for building cells, having high cholesterol can have many bad consequences for your health.

2. Tangerine Tea Lowers Blood Sugar

Tangerine Tea Lowers Blood Sugar

Having high glucose levels may be very dangerous for your health and can result in type 2 diabetes. That’s why it’s important to keep blood sugar levels in check. Drinking tangerine peel tea regulates those levels and protects your from spikes and crashes in glucose levels.

3. It Reduces Cold and Flu Symptoms

Tangerine Peel Relives Cold and Flu Symptoms

If you feel like you’re coming down with a cold or flu, tangerine peel tea is the perfect natural remedy. It gets rid of that stubborn cough and breaks up mucus. Also colds will last for a much shorter time and if you drink tangerine peel tea regularly, those might not even occur.

4. Tangerine Peel Tea Helps with Morning Sickness

Tangerine Peel Tea Helps with Morning Sickness

Tangerine peel tea is known to soothe morning sickness. Pregnant women experience nausea and sickness during their pregnancy and drinking this tea can alleviate those symptoms, making pregnancy a much more enjoyable experience. This tea is a natural remedy that doesn’t contain any dangerous chemicals and that’s why it’s perfect for pregnant women.

5. Mandarin Has Detox Properties

Mandarin Has Detox Properties

Tangerine peel is also very good for detoxing. Toxins get into our bodies from the food we eat and from our environment and our liver works hard to get those toxins out. Drinking tangerine peel tea can boost the liver and detoxify your body, keeping it healthy.

6. Tangerine Tea is Rich in Antioxidants

Tangerine Tea is Rich in Antioxidants

Tangerine peel tea is very rich in antioxidants and for that reason has many health benefits. Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cells and thus can lower the risk of developing cancerous cells. Many studies show that antioxidants are real cancer fighters and they shouldn’t be overlooked.

7. It Also Helps with PMS Symptoms

Tangerine Helps With PMS Symptoms

PMS symptoms can be really bad for some women and include cramps, gassiness, bloating, headaches, and stomach pain. These symptoms can be mild or severe. Drinking a tangerine peel tea when you feel these premenstrual symptoms will soothe and relax your body, relieving you of pain.

8. Dried Tangerine Skins Soothes an Upset Stomach

Dried Tangerine Skins Soothes an Upset Stomach

If you’re feeling nausea, sickness, gassiness or constipation, a cup of tangerine peel tea will help to soothe your upset stomach. This tea offers great help for improving digestion and getting rid of these symptoms. In Asia, tangerine peel tea is a known natural remedy for indigestion and has been used for centuries.

9. Helps With Stress and Anxiety

Tangerine Helps With Stress and Anxiety

In today’s modern world, more and more people suffer from stress and anxiety and it prevents them from leading a normal, productive lives and can even lead to serious health issues. When our body is feeling stressed, it can’t function optimally and is in constant state of agitation. Tangerine peel tea is known for relaxing and soothing the body and it can help you get rid of stress and anxiety. Even the smell of this tea alone can be enough to calm you down.

10. Tangerine Gives Better Skin Health

Tangerine Gives Better Skin Health

Tangerine peel tea is also very good for skin health. It is anti-inflammatory and can reduce redness and swelling of the skin. It is also a great natural remedy for acne and other skin problems.

How and Where to Buy?

If you are tired of low quality teas that just aren’t as tasty as you might have imagined, give our tangerine tea a shot, it’s miles ahead of the competition in terms of quality, health and taste.

Top 10+ Osmanthus (Sweet Olive) Tea Health Benefits & Effects (2023)

Top 10+ Osmanthus (Sweet Olive) Tea Health Benefits (2023)

Osmanthus tea is a very popular tea in China and it has a mild fruity and sweet taste. This tea has another important property; it is very good for you and has many health benefits. It can help you with weight loss, it reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, digestion, helps with arthritis, insomnia, menstrual pain, digestion, and it is caffeine free!

Osmanthus fragrans is also known as tea olive or sweet olive. It’s regionally native to China, The Himalayas, Taiwan, and it has definitely embedded itself in their culture and there’s a very good reason why this flower (or herb) is so popular. The tiny white flowers on this plant give off an amazing aromatic scent and that’s one of ripe apricots and peaches, and it smells amazing! That is the reason why osmanthus flowers are the ingredient in many of the finest perfumes and teas in the world.

1. Osmanthus Tea Helps with Weight Loss

Osmanthus Tea Helps with Weight Loss

Research has shown that osmanthus tea has the ability to suppress your appetite. It slows down the activity of chemicals in your brain that make you feel hungry. So if you’re trying to lose weight but have trouble suppressing your appetite, a cup of osmanthus tea can help you with that. You will eat less, and as result the weight will go down.

2. It Reduces Stress Levels

Osmanthus Reduces Stress Levels

The most important vitamins to reduce stress are called the B vitamins. B vitamins help our brain to produce the right balance of chemicals that will lower our stress levels and help us adapt to the stress in our lives much more fluidly. Osmanthus tea contains vitamin B3 called niacin. That is why osmanthus tea is an amazing natural remedy for dealing with stress and stressful situations. It will keep you calm and relaxed throughout the day.

3. Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

Osmanthus Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

Many people suffer from high blood pressure and are taking drugs to thin their blood and lower their blood pressure. Anybody who has high blood pressure and thick blood has a deficiency of niacin. Osmanthus tea is a natural way to thin your blood to the normal amount because it contains niacin, also known as vitamin B3.

4. Sweet Olive Tea is Caffeine Free

Sweet Olive Tea is Caffeine Free

This tea is caffeine free which is great for people who gave up caffeine. Many people today are replacing coffee and other beverages that contain caffeine for caffeine free drinks. You can drink osmanthus tea before bedtime and it won’t keep you up, it actually has a mild sedative effect and it can help you fall asleep much quicker.

5. Osmanthus Improves Circulation

Osmanthus Improves Circulation

Another great benefit of vitamin B3 which is found in osmanthus tea is that it improves circulation. All of your circulation is regulated by vitamin B3. Circulation is very important because if you don’t have proper circulation, you’re not getting oxygen to your cells, your energy levels are going to be low and your brain is not going to get what it needs to function properly. Drinking osmanthus tea will provide you with vitamin B3 and improve your circulation. It will also give you an energy boost.

6. Helps with Arthritis

Sweet Olive Tea Helps with Arthritis

Arthritis is joint inflammation and there are many different types of arthritis. It is most commonly occurs among older people, but it can also develop in younger adults and even children. Osmanthus tea may help the body open up blood vessels like those surrounding the joints. That can help with arthritis and soothe joint pain, stiffness and swelling.

7. Helps with Insomnia

Sweet Olive Tea Helps with Insomnia

Osmanthus tea has a mild sedative effect and can help you if you have problems with not being able to fall asleep or waking up during the night. Insomnia is really bad for your health and it lowers your body and brain function. So having a good night’s sleep is very important for maintaining good health and a functioning on a normal level. Drinking this tea before you go to bed will relax your mind and body and help you fall asleep quicker.

8. Osmanthus Tea Relieves Menstrual Pain

Osmanthus Tea Relieves Menstrual Pain

Most women suffer from mild to severe menstrual pains in the abdominal area. Stomach pain and cramps can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant and unfortunately women have to deal with those every month. Osmanthus tea is an excellent natural remedy that relives stomach pain and it can also help with other menstrual symptoms like bloating and gassiness.

9. Helps Digestion

Osmanthus Helps Digestion

Another great health benefit of osmanthus tea is that it can help improve your digestion. Indigestion is very common and most people experience it at some point. It is usually felt as discomfort or pain in the stomach area and often occurs after eating or drinking. Drinking osmanthus tea can help with the symptoms of indigestion that include stomach pain, constipation, bloating, gassiness, diarrhea, and heartburn.

10. Use Osmanthus Tea as a Natural Mouthwash

Use Osmanthus Tea as a Natural Mouthwash

Many people have a problem with bad breath, especially if they’re coffee drinkers. That can be very unpleasant and although there are many products for that, osmanthus tea is as a natural mouthwash and will get rid of bad breath. You can use this tea as a mouthwash in the morning and it will prevent bad breath just as effectively as other products.

11. Olive Tea is Good for Your Skin

Olive Tea is Good for Your Skin

It’s no wonder that many skin products contain osmanthus because it is very beneficial for your skin. If you drink this tea on a regular basis, you skin will get the moisture it needs. Your skin will also look more youthful, less pale, and have less blemishes.

12. It Also Treats Allergies

Osmanthus Treats Allergies

If you’re having bad allergy problems, osmanthus tea is an amazing natural remedy that can help you. It has an anti-allergic effect and clears mucus and congestion in your throat and helps you breathe more easily.

Where to Buy Osmanthus Tea?

To buy freshly dried osmanthus tea, please visit our herbal tea store, now with worldwide shipping option!

9 Everyday Health Problems That You Can Fix By Drinking Tea (2023)

9 Everyday Health Problems That You Can Fix By Drinking Tea (2023)

9 Everyday Health Problems That You Can Fix By Drinking Tea

Tea is fun to drink, but did you know certain types of tea can help cure everyday ailments? If you suffer from common problems like allergies or acne, tea could be your savior. Scroll down to a problem to see what type of tea will help and why it works.

The best part? It’s all natural!

Cure Anxiety

Types of Tea to Drink

Why It Works
Chamomile has aromatherapy qualities that soothe your mind as well as relives muscle tension.

Relieve PMS

Types of Tea to Drink
Chamomile, Decaffeinated Herbal

Why It Works
Chamomile has been proven to relive muscle tension and relax the body.

Caffeine on your period is the worst thing you can do to your body. If you need tea drink decaf!

Cure Acne

Types of Tea to Drink
Rooibos, Green

Why It Works
Rooibos contains high levels of nothofagin, aspalathin, and superoxide dismutase. These 3 antioxidants shield against harmful free radicals that are active on your skin.

Green tea contains multiple antioxidants that help your skin by preventing oxidative damage due to harmful free radicals.

Cure Insomnia

Types of Tea to Drink
Valerian Root, Chamomile

Why It Works
Valerian root has sedative properties. Seriously! If you don’t want to get hooked on sleeping pills most doctors will recommend this.

Chamomile actually has very little evidence of helping insomnia. Regardless of this fact it is still the most tea to take before sleeping. Chamomile does relive muscle tension which could be the reason.

Weight Loss

Types of Tea to Drink
Green, Oolong

Why It Works
Green tea promotes the production of fat burning hormones and is proven to boost metabolism.

Oolong tea has antioxidants that literally turns fat into energy.

Cure Stomach Problems

Types of Tea to Drink
Peppermint, Ginger, Chamomile

Why It Works
Peppermint has relaxant and antispasmodic properties that relieves stomach cramps.

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that aids the growth the digestive juices.

Chamomile helps inflammation of mucous membranes, making it highly effective in treating indigestion and menstrual cramps.

Cure Headache

Types of Tea to Drink
Ginger, Feverfew

Why It Works
Aspirin and ibuprofen are anti-inflammatory medications, but ginger contains anti-inflammatory naturally and does the same job with zero chemicals.

Feverfew is a preventative people take for migraines. It has been proven to work preventing and stopping them as well.

Cure Allergies

Types of Tea to Drink
Green, Stinging Nettle

Why It Works
Green tea has an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that blocks histamine and immunoglobulin E. Which is a cause of allergies.

Native Americans used stinging nettles for thousands of years to treat allergies. Studies have proven that it really does help!

Get Rid of the Bad Breath

Types of Tea to Drink
Peppermint, Black

Why It Works
Peppermint obviously helps your bad breathe because of its essential oils that wipe away plaque.

Black tea is full of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that stop plaque from growing on your teeth.

Where to Buy All These Teas?

At AiryTea, with free worldwide shipping!

Author: Sophia Strojny.

Top 10 Chrysanthemum Tea Health Benefits / Effects (2023)

Top 10 Chrysanthemum Tea Health Benefits / Effects (2023)

Not only do chrysanthemums smell great but they also have a boatload of amazing benefits that will contribute to your health.

What exactly are they?

Let’s find out!

1. Helps to Detoxify Your Liver

Helps to Detoxify Your Liver

Did you know that there is an easier way to cleanse your body?

Instead of (or in addition to) drinking huge amounts of vegetable and fruit juices as well as starving yourself to unhealthy levels in order to detoxify yourself, add a cup of chrysanthemum to your diet, which has been proven to do wonders when it comes to liver detoxification.

2. Reduces Dizziness / Vertigo

Reduces Dizziness / Vertigo

Having vertigo or just dizziness in general can be both frustrating and dangerous, especially if you are not at home or even worse, if you are driving in poor conditions.

Thankfully, there is a natural remedy for that, and as you might have guessed, yes, we are talking about the chrysanthemum tea.

3. Helps to Digest Fat Heavy Foods

Helps to Digest Fat Heavy Foods

No matter how healthy some of us try to be, when it comes to not eating fatty foods, there is a time when you just can’t do it anymore and decide to go for a cheat meal. Or, you simply love great food and have no reason to stop.

How do you make these meals healthier for you? Drink a cup of chrysanthemum tea during your meal, which will help to digest all that fatty food.

4. Helps to Lower Your Temperature During a Fever

Helps to Lower Your Temperature During a Fever

Chrysanthemum tea can help in more than just few ways when it comes to keeping your body in an optimum temperature range.

If you have a fever or even heat stroke, consume a cup of tea to relieve these symptoms, since herbs will act as a natural coolant and help your body to cool off. Lastly, chrysanthemum tea is also widely used to treat heat rashes that appear due to internal temperature imbalance.

5. It’s Caffeine Free

It's Caffeine Free

Did you know that too much caffeine can cause dizziness, heart issues, irritation, fatigue and even anxiety? Therefore, if you are already drinking coffee or a lot of strong tea, considering adding a cup of chrysanthemum tea to your daily selection of hot beverages.

Not only will you reduce the risks of consuming too much caffeine, you will also enjoy other benefits that we have listed.

6. Helps to Refresh Your Brain

Helps to Refresh Your Brain

If you don’t want to give up or reduce your daily intake of caffeine because it stimulates your brain, here is a tip of the day for you: there are other and natural alternatives that also help you to concentrate and/or refresh your brain.

One of them? Chrysanthemum tea, which has been found to have stimulating properties, improving one’s senses while calming down the nerves.

7. Treats Varicose and Artery Diseases

Treats Varicose and Artery Diseases

If you want to live a long and healthy life, then taking care of your heart and cardiovascular system is a must. The sooner you start, the sooner you will notice the benefits and the longer it will be before you have to visit the doctor. Various clinical trials have demonstrated that chrysanthemum tea relieves various symptoms of high blood pressure (such as headaches and dizziness) as well as treating the chest pain that stems from various heart diseases.

8. Relieves Itchy / Dry Eyes and Sore Throat

Relieves Itchy / Dry Eyes and Sore Throat

Having itchy eyes is one of the most annoying things one can experience, especially when it won’t stop and your eyes are getting worse and worse due to the constant rubbing. In some cases, you can even catch a nasty eye infection. Thankfully, chrysanthemum tea does wonders to your eyes. As it turns out, it has been used for ages to treat the dry eyes and / or itchy eye symptoms, even blurry vision and watery eyes. On top of this, chrysanthemum tea helps if you have a sore throat.

9. Has Tons of Vitamin C

Has Tons of Vitamin C

You don’t have to drink raw lemon juice and damage your stomach in order to reap the benefits of vitamin C.

Simply by consuming chrysanthemum tea, you will infuse your body with a healthy dose of vitamins that help to fight free radicals, improve your immune system, flush toxins from your body, help with digestion, improve your skin, and much more.

10. Strengthens Your Lungs

Strengthens Your Lungs

Last but definitely not least is chrysanthemum tea’s ability to provide energy to our lungs and strengthen them. Furthermore, according to the researchers in Japan and China, chrysanthemum tea helps to provide relief in various respiratory problems such as shortness of breath and (likely) asthma.

Can you smell the ocean?

Top 10 Chrysanthemum Tea Health Benefits

And these are the amazing benefits of chrysanthemum tea. I think you already know the answer to the question: should you drink it? It’s pretty obvious that you should!

Where to Buy High Quality Chrysanthemum Tea?

The best news? If you order today, we will ship organic chrysanthemum tea for free, no matter what country you are from. Click here and buy it now!

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